Robot garderners to do more gentle picking and gardening

March 12, 2009

Robotic gardeners by you.The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of MIT recently developed robots that could tend a garden, particularly the tomato plants. If you don’t have a green thumb, then perhaps the Robot Gardeners could help you with your desire to grow plants.

What the researchers and the MIT students did was to add soil sensors to the plants. The sensors can network with the robots that can also tell when nutrients and water are needed. The robot gardeners also feature arms and water pumps allowing gentle tomato picking.

This is just one of the projects the group is working on to improve and make gardening more hi-tech. I see nothing wrong with this since it aims to automate, therefore, make the plants more well-tended. Not that humans can’t do it but hey, that is what robots do, you know to make our lives easier.


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