Motorola intros Project Ara

October 29, 2013

google motorola project ara

Motorola Mobility being acquired by Google seems to be doing Motorola good. The two companies are working hard to make new products and services that aim to bring new technologies that make our lives even better. Meet the Project Ara, a new concept that brings smartphones to a different level. We all know apps make a device even more exciting to use, but what if you can make your own phone? Wouldn’t that be better?

For months, the Advanced Technology and Projects group of Motorola, has been working on a free and open hardware platform that will allow modular phones to be connected to each other. Instead of apps to complete the phone of your dreams, blocks of small phones can be connected to make a whole new phone.

Motorola explains the Project Ara better HERE.

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Comments (3)

  1. [...] the Phonebloks/Project Ara? A lot of people are liking the idea but looks like it will take a while before the [...]

  2. [...] Project Ara of modular phones is a big winner in the making. The question most people ask is: How will it [...]

  3. [...] the looks but with the Project Ara, we might soon see customized interface. That’s what the Project Ara is all about and that would bring Moto Maker to the next [...]

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