[ SmartHomeTech ] Lumen Bluetooth-connected smartbulb connects directly to iOS, Android device

November 26, 2013

Lumen Bluetooth-connected smartbulb connects directly to iOS, Android device

Smart Home Technology is the future. While households have not fully embraced the idea, the world is slowly seeing its potential. We’ve seen a number of smart appliances already. Philips has got the HUE smartbulb and it’s getting a new competition in the form of the Lumen. The latter is Bluetooth-controlled allowing you to change the color and intensity. Sadly, it doesn’t feature WiFi but it connects directly to an Android or iOS device.

You can say it’s eco-friendly too as the guys behind it are claiming it only consumes 1/6 of a 40watt bulb. Lumen Bluetooth-connected bulb is now available with a $70 price tag.

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