Verizon expanding speed and capacity to more cities in the US

December 6, 2013

Verizon is so aggressive these days expanding its LTE network coverage. Why, it spent about $3.6 billion worth of spectrum in 2012. It tried to get the approval of FCC by solding some.

Verizon is rolling out LTE to more cities like new York, Atlanta, Seattle, and Chicago. Soon enough, more and more will be able to enjoy 80-150 Mbps LTE speeds on sadly, limited devices. Only the iPhone 5c, iphone 5S, Motorola Droid, and Samsung Galaxy S4 will be able to reach such speeds.

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Comments (2)

  1. [...] Verizon is on a roll with its LTE coverage and T-Mobile wishes to catch up. The mobile carrier just launched a faster LTE network. The company teamed up with Deutsche Telekom which also recently acquired MetroPCS for $1.5 billion. [...]

  2. [...] hearing about LTE coverage expanding left and right. T-Mobile is now faster in Northern Dallas and Verizon recently expanded speed and capacity to more cities in the US. Now Sprint is upgrading its Spark data LTE service. The super fast LTE can now be enjoyed on the [...]

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