Facebook buys Branch to work on Conversations

January 25, 2014


Facebook has recently acquired a New York-based startup called Branch. The company is into multiple social discussion tools and looks like they will be working with the top social network to form the Conversations group for Zuckerberg. No confirmation from either of the party but we heard a $15 million deal.

Josh Miller, Branch co-founder, shared that Branch would be built at Facebook scale. It’s only a two-year old company but quickly gained popularity because of usability in creating conversations. It’s also has the Potluck social network where users focus on the content.

Facebook must have noticed Branch’s big potential in building conversations. It’s either that or Mark Zuckerburg just wants to “kill” rivals. I just believe the guys behind Facebook want to make a better and more efficient social network. One that won’t end in a few years like other networks (not yet).

Interestingly, Branch was a startup started by The Obvious Corporation. The latter created by Ev Williams and Biz Stone who were Twitter co-founders. I could see a Facebook vs. Twitter issue here but Facebook wins this time. What do you think?

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