O2 Money Wallet Service Closing

January 20, 2014


O2 Money Wallet Service ClosingI don’t like bad news especially in the mobile industry. It breaks my heart that stuff we think will work actually isn’t working. So for those using the Money mobile wallet by O2 in the UK, you have to bid goodbye to it soon. Why, the network is discontinuing the service on March 31 as its last day. It’s said that Money isn’t performing well. This shutdown is somehow expected in the region because competition is really tight.

O2 launching the Money Wallet less than two years ago. It’s one of the first few mobile wallet pioneers but looks like it wasn’t able to keep up with the trends and get the attention of many.

O2 said that they are now looking for new ways to manage money for mobile use. We can expect a new, similar service but I doubt anything will come up in a few months or years.

[O2 Money]

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