Apple sold 1.3 million iPhones in China

March 31, 2014


Android may be King and Samsung may be No. 1 but you can’t neglect the fact that the Apple iPhone is revolutionary. Millions of iPhones are being sold and in China, as reported by China Mobile, about 1.3 million 4G iPhones have been sold since the first month of the year 2014. From January to March, in just one quarter, more than a million iPhones have landed in China. (Well, that last statement was kind of untrue since the iPhone is actually made in China.)

That may be good news but Apple’s goal is to sell 15 to 16 million iPhones in China this 2014. With more than 1M in the first three months, Apple would need to work harder and do more in marketing the mobile device.

Apple and China Mobile partnered to bring the iPhone in the country late last year. The latter is expected to help Apple reach more people as the mobile carrier has about 775 million subscribers. The 1.3 million out of the 775 million subscribers is such a small number if you think about it. Apple has a long way to go to reach the goal.

China Mobile may have a lot of subscribers, giving Apple a chance but its 4G network has yet to expand. At present, only the major cities have access to China Mobile’s 4G network. The mobile carrier need to expand so more iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, and iPhone 5C can take advantage of the fast mobile connection.


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