Apple Watch smashes watch industry

March 11, 2015

Apple Watch smashes watch industry

Apple has already shaken up some industries in recent years. After the music, film and mobile industry, now the luxury business is a target of Apple’s agenda. Whether this concept works or not, it has yet to be proved.

A wrist watch is the price of a small car and a dainty notebook, which is also available in gold look – now Apple has scattered also Luxury Fashion providers on Monday. Read more

Is this the 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro?

May 19, 2014

12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro

Another day, another leaked photo. Another showcase from China of a prototype of the upcoming 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro. This is still a rumor but this photo looks like the real thing, at least, for a prototype.

Looking at the phone makes me think it’s a MacBook Air. The size is too large for a slate but it seems wider like a bigger iPad. The iPad Pro measuring 12.9-inches is said to have either 4096 x 3072 resolution (4K) or 2K resolution screen. Impressive.

The iPad Pro prototype also features an aluminium casing. You can see the standard Apple logo and camera lens. There’s another rumor though that this pro iPad will be targeted for the enterprise and the education market which means consumers won’t get this easily.

I’m still not convinced that Apple is working on an iPad Pro but I can’t wait for Apple to prove me otherwise. Looking forward to more leaks until Apple makes an announcement before the year ends. We’ll see.


Apple sold 1.3 million iPhones in China

March 31, 2014


Android may be King and Samsung may be No. 1 but you can’t neglect the fact that the Apple iPhone is revolutionary. Millions of iPhones are being sold and in China, as reported by China Mobile, about 1.3 million 4G iPhones have been sold since the first month of the year 2014. From January to March, in just one quarter, more than a million iPhones have landed in China. (Well, that last statement was kind of untrue since the iPhone is actually made in China.) Read more

Official Pebble App Store coming soon

December 31, 2013

app store pebble

One of the most popular smartwatches this 2013 is the Pebble. Looks like it will even be a bigger thing this coming new year as an app store will be coming to the smartwatch. Nope, that’s not the Apple App Store but Pebble’s very own where all apps will be ready for download. At present, Pebble only has third-party websites but an app store will certainly organize the apps. Read more

Apple not banned in South Korea, court ruled against Samsung

December 12, 2013

samsung and apple

If you think Samsung would have a home court advantage in South Korea, that is not the case as the recent patent saga between Samsung and Apple continues, a Korean court ruled against an Apple sales ban. Samsung also requested for damages for devices in question: iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, and the iPad 2. Judge Shim Woo-yong ruled the request in favor of the Cupertino company. Read more

Google Maps updated with flight, hotel and resto reservations feature

December 12, 2013

Google Maps for iOS

Google wants to bring iOS users the best Maps app possible. If Apple Maps can’t be reliable, Google can bring the best app as it recently added flight and hotel and restaurants reservations to Maps. The app now becomes an all-in-one go-to app for the traveler. Want to eat out? Search. Don’t know where to go? Search. Want to check into a hotel? Search. Read more

iPaperPad: Apple iPad for paper-lovers

December 10, 2013


I haven’t seen any Apple-themed novelty item lately but this iPaperPad is just perfect. It could be the perfect Christmas gift for your geeky friends even if they are not Mac fanboys. Read more

Apple launches 12 Days of Gifts app

December 10, 2013

12 Days of Gifts app

Christmas is just around the corner. Honestly, I haven’t started with the Christmas decors and gift shopping yet. I don’t know when I’d be able to do those. Thank heavens for Apple’s new promo of download a gift, I think I’ll just resort to iTunes and do my digital shopping. Read more

Apple in talks with China Mobile, new iPhone variants out this December

December 5, 2013

apple china

Apple is no longer a stranger to China. The Cupertino company may have gone through many different issues in the country but it will continue to thrive. Why wouldn’t it when most Apple products are manufactured in China. Read more

Olloclip announces Macro 3-in-1 lens for iPhone and iPod touch

December 5, 2013



Olloclip showed off the 4-in-1 lens last October and now it’s ready to wow iPhone users with the Macro 3-in-1 lens. The team started on Kickstarter but it’s now a successful startup that has reached Apple Stores around the world. The new Macro 3-in-1 lens allows magnification 7x to 14x up to 21x. Read more