Huawei applies for PhoPad trademark

December 9, 2013

Huawei recently filed for a “PhoPad” trademark which could mean we might see a new tablet very soon. Nothing is certain yet but now we know Huawei is looking into it. Read more

[ GeekyGadgets ] Belkin announces LEGO Protective Case for the iPad Mini

December 5, 2013


Belkin is not to be outdone as it recently introduced a new protective case for the iPad mini. It’s a bit pricey though for a sleeve but it’s a LEGO-fied one. With this iPad mini case, you can bring out your bricks and create whatever scene on the official LEGO plate. Read more

3D Printed Skin in the works?

December 2, 2013

3D Printed Skin

I don’t doubt that we’ll have a future with 3D printing but 3D Printed Skin is too freaky for me. It’s just a future possibility in the field of biomedicine which I know will be helpful. I guess I only have to admit to myself that times are really changing and the future of robots and androids are near. Read more

Google Play features Chromecast section

November 29, 2013

I’m liking Google for many reasons. I could go on and on gushing about the search giant but I think I would run out of time. One is Chromecast although I don’t have it yet, I plan on getting one when I get a new TV which I hope is soon. Google Play now features a Chromecast section, a dedicated area for media apps by Google, as well as, other popular ones like Pandora, Netflix, Hulu Plus, and HBO Go. Read more

Google wants developers to buy Glass Explorer Edition

November 26, 2013

Google wants developers to buy Glass Explorer Edition

Google really wants to deliver the Glass to more people. The Glassware Development Kit was already released and the Mirror API has been opened. Now, the search giant is inviting more developer to buy the Explorer Edition. Read more

Swumanoid : Swimming Robot, anyone? #Video

November 22, 2013


The earth will be taken over by robots. Naaah, you know it’s won’t happen but movies show us the possibility. There are a few films that illustrate the danger of the possible reality I wish I won’t have to witness that myself. But then with the speed of technology change, we might see the beginning of the Robot Age. In Japan, a new robot was invented with the capability to swim. Called as the “Swumanoid”, this swimming robot knows the right moves to thrive in water. Why, I don’t even know how to swim properly but this robot fella can. Read more

Hop on a Japanese Space Bus

November 22, 2013

I know someday ordinary people will be able to roam space as if you’re going to another country. It may not happen in this lifetime but Japan is bold enough to make a space bus that offers a galactic experience. Willer Travel has overnight buses that brings tourists and travelers to different parts of Japan. Within one hour, you can go from Toky’s Shinjuku to the Tsukuba Space Center. Read more

Opera 18 for Android ready for bigger displays

November 20, 2013

Opera may not be the most popular browser today but it’s a great alternative to the other web browsers. Recently, the Opera browser has been optimized for Android. The Opera 18 is now ready for Android devices with bigger displays. Just like the smartphone browser version, Opera 18 features strategically placed navigation and menu buttons. You can swipe between your reading materials, thanks to the Discover feature. Read more

Nasa publishes HD photos of the Antennae Galaxies

November 19, 2013

Nasa publishes HD photos of the Antennae Galaxies

NASA recently published a new set of telescopic images of the so-called Antennae Galaxies. The latest capture is the clearest image to date of the two merging galaxies. Read more

[ Gadget Style ] Scosche intros lobeDOPE headphones in seven bright colors #Video

November 19, 2013

The California-based gadget maker Scosche recently launched a new pair of on-ear headphones called the lobeDOPE. The pair is affordable yet looks pretty in seven different bright colors. Read more