Is this the 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro?

May 19, 2014

12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro

Another day, another leaked photo. Another showcase from China of a prototype of the upcoming 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro. This is still a rumor but this photo looks like the real thing, at least, for a prototype.

Looking at the phone makes me think it’s a MacBook Air. The size is too large for a slate but it seems wider like a bigger iPad. The iPad Pro measuring 12.9-inches is said to have either 4096 x 3072 resolution (4K) or 2K resolution screen. Impressive.

The iPad Pro prototype also features an aluminium casing. You can see the standard Apple logo and camera lens. There’s another rumor though that this pro iPad will be targeted for the enterprise and the education market which means consumers won’t get this easily.

I’m still not convinced that Apple is working on an iPad Pro but I can’t wait for Apple to prove me otherwise. Looking forward to more leaks until Apple makes an announcement before the year ends. We’ll see.


Asus PadFone Mini rolls out in Taiwan

December 11, 2013

Asus PadFone Mini

Asus recently introduced the latest PadFone Mini. The new tablet is now available in Taiwan complete with a a 1.4GHz quad-core Snapdragon MSM8226 CPU, 1GB RAM, 960 x 540 screen on phone mode, 1,280 x 800 resolution on tablet mode, microSD slot, and two batteries (1,500 mAh and 2,200 mAh). It’s a 4.3-inch smartphone with a 7-inch tablet dock, giving you a two-in-1 gadget. Read more

Huawei applies for PhoPad trademark

December 9, 2013

Huawei recently filed for a “PhoPad” trademark which could mean we might see a new tablet very soon. Nothing is certain yet but now we know Huawei is looking into it. Read more

[ GeekyGadgets ] Belkin announces LEGO Protective Case for the iPad Mini

December 5, 2013


Belkin is not to be outdone as it recently introduced a new protective case for the iPad mini. It’s a bit pricey though for a sleeve but it’s a LEGO-fied one. With this iPad mini case, you can bring out your bricks and create whatever scene on the official LEGO plate. Read more

Google Play features Chromecast section

November 29, 2013

I’m liking Google for many reasons. I could go on and on gushing about the search giant but I think I would run out of time. One is Chromecast although I don’t have it yet, I plan on getting one when I get a new TV which I hope is soon. Google Play now features a Chromecast section, a dedicated area for media apps by Google, as well as, other popular ones like Pandora, Netflix, Hulu Plus, and HBO Go. Read more

Opera 18 for Android ready for bigger displays

November 20, 2013

Opera may not be the most popular browser today but it’s a great alternative to the other web browsers. Recently, the Opera browser has been optimized for Android. The Opera 18 is now ready for Android devices with bigger displays. Just like the smartphone browser version, Opera 18 features strategically placed navigation and menu buttons. You can swipe between your reading materials, thanks to the Discover feature. Read more

Android tablets took the lead last quarter

November 18, 2013

We know that Android is king but when it comes to the tablet category, the iPad has been leading since its launch. Not this time as the tablet scene has seen a big change with Android tablets taking over the iPad. Thanks to low-priced tablets like the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX and Nexus 7, more and more people are buying Android tablets. Read more

iPad Mini with Retina uses less color?

November 18, 2013

iPad Mini With Retina Display

So we’ve seen the iPad Mini with Retina display already. I still don’t have any plan to get one because there is no need for me to have an iPad. My iPhone 4 still works as it allows me to still work while on the go. Read more

ZTE Eco-Mobius Concept Modular Smartphone introduced

November 14, 2013

Remember the Phonebloks/Project Ara? A lot of people are liking the idea but looks like it will take a while before the smartphone becomes a reality. We have another option in the form of the ZTE Eco-Mobius. It’s also a concept phone that even got a Red Dot Design Award so you know it’s impressive. Read more

Three to offer iPad Air in the UK

October 31, 2013

The iPad Air is launching in the UK and mobile carrier Three is carrying the next-generation Apple tablet. The Air will be available this week and will be followed by thr iPad mini Retina next month. Read more