Sprint rolls out LTE coverage in 70 more cities

December 17, 2013

Sprint LTE rollout

We know that Verizon and T-Mobile recently rolled out LTE coverage in new markets in the US. Sprint follows by adding 70 more to the 300 cities already on its list. Read more

Twitter ‘block’ button now means ‘mute’

December 16, 2013

I love Twitter. If I were to rank the social networks that I use, it’d be Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. What I like about Twitter is that I get to know more information and infer on those data. The company is making some changes by giving the ‘block’ button a new meaning. Read more

YouTube rolls out Live Streaming

December 16, 2013

YouTube recently introduced live streaming for everyone to enjoy. Verified users with good standing have been enjoying this new capability for almost a year now. I have yet to try this new YouTube feature but I have a feeling I’d be addicted to it. Why, I no longer have cable TV connection in my new home and I have no plans of getting one. I’m content with all the things I can get from the Internet. Read more

Facebook working on “Sympathize” button

December 10, 2013

facebook sympathize

Facebook is still the top social network. It’s no longer a favorite of mine but I still enjoy looking at my friends’ posts. Well, not all of them. I’ve stopped “liking” their annoying statuses. Honestly, the like button isn’t always appropriate so Facebook is believed to be working on a “Sympathize” button. Read more

T-Mobile’s LTE now faster in Northern Dallas

December 9, 2013

t mobile lte

Verizon is on a roll with its LTE coverage and T-Mobile wishes to catch up. The mobile carrier just launched a faster LTE network. The company teamed up with Deutsche Telekom which also recently acquired MetroPCS for $1.5 billion. Read more

Google working on patent for auto-comments

November 25, 2013

Google Patent

I know a spam message when I see one. Such things are really annoying I’d wish there will be a more efficient way to track these spammers down. But admit it, whatever technology it is they’re using, they’re efficient. Most marketing people (the desperate ones) resort to such auto-send and auto-respond systems because they can finish work quickly. Read more

Southwest Airlines offers WiFi gate-to-gate, now allows gadget use during landing and takeoff

November 21, 2013

Southwest Airlines

Since the FAA allowed gadget use during landing and takeoff, United and American Airlines allowed such on their flights. Following the two is Southwest Airlines also offering WiFi to the passengers. Read more

Bang & Olufsen TVs now with Spotify

November 19, 2013

TV | Bang & Olufsen televisions now with Spotify

Audio pioneer Bang & Olufsen, home of expensive sound system, has teamed up with Spotify to bring music streaming to their TV offerings. The music streaming program will be integrated by way of a software update. TV owners can now access more than 20 million audio tracks Spotify currently have on library. Read more

Google teams up with Microsoft to rid of child sexual abuse links

November 18, 2013

No doubt Google is the top search giant. I don’t count on the other search engines. There is a reason why people say “google it”. I will never understand Google’s many algorithms but I know the company knows what it is doing. As you know, Google can manipulate and filter results to their liking. Read more

Pinterest pins can now be embedded

November 15, 2013

Pinterest is one the few social networks that I really like. I don’t often update my account but I like it for the pretty pictures that I can use as pegs. Whenever I need to create or design something, I turn to Pinterest for ideas. Read more