[Video] KT’s Spider smartphone gets you back in love with techno-convergence
There is nothing more I love than the convergence of technology, and looks like the Korean company KT has done a fabulous job at that. KT's Spider, that 4.5 inch screened phone is not just a phone, but also a laptop and gaming console. And how does it manage that? Well, connect... more »
[Video] Pixeet Allows Iphone 4 to Take Panoramic Shots
If you have an iPhone and you love taking pictures then you are sure to fall in love with Pixeet. Pixeet comprises of an application and fisheye lens which will allow one to take professional looking 360 degree photos right from their iPhone 4. With this iPhone users are able... more »
Man Uses Two Phones While Using Knees to Drive? The Hilarity, LMAO!!
How retarded can one person be? David Secker decided to let us know by pulling a very funny road show, an act that would have done well in the circus...maybe as a clown? I think so. He decided to talk on one phone and text on the other; an act that would be distracting to even... more »
[Video] The Making of the iPad Head Girl: Sure made heads turn ….
New York definitely has enough to catch your eye even on a regular Monday morning. But then again, if you've had a coffee-jolt up one morning, walking down the streets of NY to work, and you shook your head in disbelief, looking at the iPad Head Girl (as featured earlier this... more »
Nice: Nokia BH-112 Headset can be used with multiple phones
Looking for a change when it comes to your cellphone's headset? Then you might want to consider Nokia's new line of BH 112 bluetooth headsets. The BH-112 is actually compatible with any mobile phone. Plus it offers a really cool feature that allows it to connect to more than one... more »
LG Lotus现在拥有了DTV功能
你对一年多的手机会做些什么?为什么,推荐一个改款产品,但是它拥有更好的性能。基于这个基础,LG Lotus已经升级带有了一个数字电视芯片,同时将很快在美国上市。依靠LG2160A ATSC-M/H这款芯片,大家可以看到Dell,Kenwood和现代起亚汽车的各种动作,这款新的LG... more »
Artistic Case mate for your iPhone 4
If you've decided that you'll be getting an iPhone 4 , then it's also time that you search for a protective case for it. After all, your new Apple phone deserves the best. We've featured a few from Belkin already and that bamboo case yesterday but today, we've got the iPhone... more »
Grove Made releases Bamboo case for iPhone 4
Here's another iPhone 4 case if you're thinking of getting one. Grove Made has introduced new bamboo cases for the new version of the Apple phone. You can have your name laser engraved on the iPhone or just leave it as plain. Price tag reads $49 but with engraving, it's $69. [Link] ... more »
AT&T offers Palm Pixi Plus for free
AT&T has just announced that they're giving the Pixi Plus handset for free. Well, not really for free but you can take the phone home without paying any cent but of course, with a 2-year contract and rebates. Data plan should be at least $15 though or you may get the DataPlus... more »
More on Belkin iPhone 4 cases
We all know that when a new Apple product is launched, companies will also introduce protective cases for such. The iPhone 4 is now out and Belkin followed with their announcement of four new iPhone cases. We already featured them yesterday but we've got more photos to show you... more »