Looking for an Assist & Pedal Bicycle: Check this Award winning E-Bike

Looking for an Assist & Pedal Bicycle: Check this Award winning E-Bike

Have you heard about the “Oregon Manifest Constructors Design Challenge”? It’s a competition to design and build a modern day utility bike which should help people adjust their view on how cycles should be. The competition was a great success - and the winner was the 2009... more »


Would you buy a Lamborghini Aventador for $4.7 million?

Would you buy a Lamborghini Aventador for $4.7 million?

How much would you be willing to buy a Lamborghini Aventador for?  $400K? Or maybe a maximum of $500k, right. How about its model? I would guess it to be a maximum of $3000? Or maybe 10 grand, right? But, the news about Robert Gülpen’s Model Lamborghini Aventador price... more »


Why Not Have a Car That You Can Fold and Put Away?

Why Not Have a Car That You Can Fold and Put Away?

Here is something and new and interesting to look forward to. A new electronic car called the CityCar is being worked on by MIT. Now we all know electric cars already do exists, so the fact that it is electric is not the cool thing about the CityCar. But that it's a folding... more »


Chinese Men ask Car models’ Hand in Marriage

Chinese Men ask Car models’ Hand in Marriage

Here is an interesting yet quite amusing story. In China these days it is apparently the new in thing to propose to car show models. Why do you ask? China’s young woman to young men ratio is extremely unbalanced. So this is why Chinese men propose in public to attractive women... more »


Man Uses Two Phones While Using Knees to Drive? The Hilarity, LMAO!!

Man Uses Two Phones While Using Knees to Drive? The Hilarity, LMAO!!

How retarded can one person be? David Secker decided to let us know by pulling a very funny road show, an act that would have done well in the circus...maybe as a clown? I think so. He decided to talk on one phone and text on the other; an act that would be distracting to even... more »


Hybrid cars will play a big role in our not-so-distant future

Hybrid cars will play a big role in our not-so-distant future

Hybrids cars and like might play a big role in our not-so-distant future with respect to our mobility and economy by reaching 32.1Million in sales. Fuji Keizai Group, a Japanese research firm reports that production of EV, regular hybrid, plug-in hybrid cars and fuel cars would... more »


[Green Motor] T3 Motions boasts With T3 and R3

[Green Motor] T3 Motions boasts With T3 and R3

Well as I am sure most people have been realizing, there is a great push towards the electric car movement, mainly for environmental purposes and also to make it cheaper for the consumer to keep up with the high gas prices. The T3 and the R3 made by T3 Motions are two examples... more »


Gucci Car, Satin Top Drop Top

Gucci Car, Satin Top Drop Top

Every now and then in the automotive world you may have two companies coming together to create a truly spectacular automobile. Like for example AMG and Mercedes Benz that as a team created super car quality vehicles. Well Fiat has now joined forces with another company,... more »


Two way charging: Holy Crap, Use The Nissan Leaf to Power The House …?

Two way charging: Holy Crap, Use The Nissan Leaf to Power The House …?

The Nissan Leaf is Nissan’s all electric car and sales for it aren’t doing too badly. But to be perfectly honest with you folks, the first time I layed my eyes on this car it did not grow on me and to this day still hasn’t. Not even a tiny leaf has sprung up, no pun intended. But... more »


A Bike with a Completely plastic Concept: Frii plastic bike

A Bike with a Completely plastic Concept: Frii plastic bike

It seems like every day man is on a never ending quest to redesign the look and construction of things around us, from cars to everyday household appliances. In this particular case, Bezalel Academy of Art and a design student by the name of Dror Peleg in Israel came out... more »
