Sony announces Micro USB Flash Drive for Smartphones
Not all smartphones are created equal. The iPhone doesn't have a microSD card slot, therefore, you can't expand its storage capacity. For those who do not support microSD cards, there's USB or microUSB. Sony wants to take advantage by coming uo with a Micro USB Flash Drive for... more »
USB Type-C Connector introduced
USB as standard is still a reality. I don't think it will ever change in the near future as it will improve through the years. We're now on the USB 3.1 age, didn't you know? (Oh dear, most of my gadgets still use USB 2.0) USB 3.0 Promoter group recently introduced a USB Type-C... more »
Akai MPC 2000XL 16GB USB Drive: This ain’t a real drum machine, yo…
Despite the proliferation of cloud storage services, there are still people who depend on USB sticks. Such will still be a necessity. The challenge for manufacturers though is to make their USB drives as secure as possible. If not secure, then maybe a little cute or as a novelty... more »
Acer changes from Thunderbolt to USB 3.0
Apple's Thunderbolt technology may be really fast but Acer wants to get away from it and use USB 3.0 instead. The latter is cheaper but not exactly faster. Intel's fastest data transfer technology was first used by Apple but Acer also joined the bandwagon. This time though,... more »
[Gadget Style] Elvis Mimobot
The King of Rock'n'Roll is now a Mimobot. Who doesn't know what a Mimobot is? A USB 3.0 stick is ready for $19 in two versions. You can chose from either the 1973 Aloha From Hawaii Elvis or the Limited-Edition G.I. Blues version. Elvis Mimobot USB 3.0 Flashdrive is... more »
Viceversal: USB Flash drive with double plug
You think the USB flash drive only have little rooms for improvement? Apparently, there are still many ways how to innovate this very little yet useful storage device. A USB stick designed by Rexplore has been added with more connectors. Instead of just one for USB, the Viceversal... more »
[CES 2013] SuperSpeed : USB 3.0 speeds up to 10Gbps
We all know that there will still be something faster than the current standard USB 3.0. The latest speed boost was made known at the CES in Las Vegas by the USB 3.0 Promoter Group. The next version is expected to roll out middle of year 2014 so don't worry about your current... more »
[ChristmasFever 2012] USB Squirming Tentacle Flashdrive
I'm not sure if I want to receive one but I'm thinking of getting a few to give away this Christmas. Gone are the days when USB flashdrives need to be cute or blinged out, they need to be scary now. Well, not really, but this moving tentacle will scare that nosy officemate or... more »
[Green Gadgets] USB Intellipaper
We've seen blinged out, cute, and quirky USB flashdrives. But all those are mere packaging. Without those colors, studs, and cute design, the USB drive is just an ordinary memory chip. However, the Intellipaper is here to introduce a greener USB option. Instead of bulky packaging,... more »
AromaUSB adds fragrance to your office cubicle
For only $29, you can make your office surroundings smell more pleasant. Admit it. After more than 9-hours in the office buried in your desk work, there will be times you'd be perspiring. If not you, that annoying office mate in the next cubicle forgot to put on deodorant. Gross,... more »